August 2016

There were 8 of us at the August CinDay Guild meeting at Forest Chapel.

We caught up on people’s individual projects: telling stories at an upcoming Emmaus Walk, teaching Luke’s version of the “Lord’s Prayer” to the women’s jail group, experiences with the “Godly Play” story sets, using Jeremiah’s dream (chapters 32-34) for a church anniversary&visioning project, learning the entire Book of Ruth.  (Aren’t we a busy group!)

Those of us who attended the NBSI 2016 Festival Gathering also shared all the great stories, workshops and lectures that we heard in Silver Springs earlier in August.  We’ll be looking more into one idea in particular – producing videos of biblical stories that are suitable for use in hospitals and nursing homes.

And we’re starting to look toward 2017, when we would like to do some more group tellings.  (More on that as the plans develop.)