Crossing Boundaries

Presented September 28, 2014 at Forest Chapel United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio

Story written by Amelia Boomershine

10_cindayWhat do Jonah, Elijah, Jesus, and the Good Samaritan all have in common? They all crossed boundaries and cared for people on the other side. Okay, so Jonah wasn’t happy about it but he did finally do as God said and the Ninevites were saved from destruction, at least for the time being.

10_ameliaThese fellows were also stars in the “Crossing Boundaries” stories told Sept. 28 at Forest Chapel United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. The event included personal and secular stories as well as biblical. The ensemble tellers were all members of the CinDay Guild of the Network of Biblical Storytellers including Tom and myself.

10_tomThe Crossing Boundaries theme was inspired by Forest Chapel’s new pastor, the Reverend Dr. J. Kabamba Kiboko, who is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo. She has crossed many boundaries and cared for many people on all sides. We were blessed by a portion of her amazing story at the conclusion of the event. Her benediction was, “Cross boundaries; it is fun!” Yes, it was indeed.

Click here to download the personal story of “Razor Wire” that I told following my telling of Luke 10: 25-37 (The Lawyer Who Tested Jesus and the Parable of the Good Samaritan).

Click here to download the Crossing Boundaries flyer.

Click here to download the Crossing Boundaries program.