May 2023

Notes from April CinDay Guild Meeting – April 25, 2023

Present: JoAnne Rouse Clark, Amelia and Tom Boomershine, Darrell Miller (facilitator and notes), Ellen Patton via Zoom

Darrell offered a prayer before the meeting started.

Story Telling in Places

JoAnne reported that Matthew 25 Ministries has not gotten back to her about Storytelling. Someone said they would get back soon. Milford Independent Living said Monday, Wednesday, or Friday at 1:30 p.m. would be best. They did ask if we could do other stories in addition to biblical stories so as to Include everyone in the facility. This was at the request of the Activities Director. The event would need to take place after August.

Amelia suggested we discuss with Janet about telling other stories other than biblical. Some suggestions were stories of reconciliation, growing up, hope, forgiveness. JoAnne told about a book she had just finished about a War Correspondent in the Middle East and what he went through including his tenacity in getting out. He was telling the story of a war and what was going on so he felt he needed to be close to tell it correctly which put himself in danger.

Darrell reported the Pleasant Ridge U.M.C. Church may be interested in having us do Biblical Storytelling.

Tom reported Friendship Village, north side of Dayton, Ohio, is receptive.  Best time for them is 4:00 p.m.

Amelia mentioned she could do a Story for June, Darrell volunteered for July, we need a Storyteller for May.

Coaching for Storytellers

Amelia gave a talk about coaching Biblical Storytelling.

JoAnne told John 1: 1 – 14 for the evening.

The affirmations: Darrell enjoyed the gestures and inflection of her voice.

Amelia enjoyed the facial expressions and the way JoAnne punctuated real words. Tom commented the overall tone was a delight.

Ellen said her voice and eyes lit up when Jo Ann said ‘light’. And JoAnne touched her arm when she said “And the word became flesh”.


Amelia said JoAnne needed to be more intentional about her hands. Her hands were natural.

Ellen said her upper arms were too close to her body. JoAnne’s arms should be up and not so low.

Tom asked JoAnne what was her favorite part, what did she get out of it, and what was she trying to portray? JoAnne’s response was God becoming flesh, which spoke to her the most.

Tom spoke about breath in storytelling. We breathe in and out. Pay attention to breath, which makes it possible to vary volume. Several places had awes and would have expounded the awes. He suggested that her gestures needed to be expanded. We are giving a story a body. Be open to ways the body can communicate the story.

Tom’s observations about the Story from John

The composition was around 90 A.D .Beginning is Wisdom, epic, and cosmic. Big vision is rooted in the Old Testament. The Prologue of John is as Jesus is introduced as the Word.

Tom reported that the Cincinnati Dayton Guild is 40 years old. Amelia reported there were a few years it did not meet.

Darrell expressed his thanks for everyone’s encouragement as this was his first time as facilitator. Thanks to Amelia for keeping the group focused and on task.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 7:30 p.m. at ORV District Offices

7388 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati (Parking behind Brecon U.M.C.)