May 2021

There were 8 storytellers in attendance at our May meeting on Zoom.

As usual, there was a lot of catching up, and idea sharing. But since we’re still learning, telling and recording stories for the NBSI Biblical Storytelling Letionary, the talk was a little more “technical” than you might normally expect among a group of people working to perpetuate a skill as ancient and human as storytelling. CinDay members have already contributed 3 videos, and members expect to submit more stories soon! (see, even an international pandemic can’t stop the stories from being told!)

And we’re looking forward to the 2021 Network of Biblical Storytellers, Intl. 2nd virtual Festival Gathing. Registration is open now, and there are pre-Festival Events starting as early as mid June!

As more people are vaccinated, and churches and other groups slowly begin to meet in person again, we’ll be there, telling the stories of our faith, as we have for the last 2000+ years!