June 2024

CinDay Guild Meeting – June 18, 2024

Location:  Great Miami River Valley District Offices, 7388 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati

Attendees:  Tom and Amelia Boomershine, JoAnne Rouse Clark, Darrell Miller, Janet Steele (notes)

Meeting began at 7:00 in person, Zoom meeting began at 7:15 p.m.

(Thanks to Darrell for learning how to use the in-house computer/zoom set-up)

Honorarium from Lebanon Telling

CinDay Guild received a $300.00 honorarium for the Ladies Program in Lebanon. As a Guild we discussed what to do with the funds. It was decided unanimously that a portion should be given to the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International scholarship fund. The question was what amount to give. After discussion, it was unanimously decided to give $150.00 to the scholarship fund. Amelia will draft a letter to the new NBSI president, Lisa Larsen, and include the check for that amount. It will be sent to the new NBSI offices at 3301 S. 145h Street, Suite 16 #334, Abilene, Texas 79605. Amelia received word from our retired NBSI manager Ellen Handlin that she is doing well in retirement and all expressed gratitude for Ellen’s many years of service.

SEM Terrace

A resident expressed interest in joining the Guild. In consultation with the SEM Terrace staff it was decided that a storytelling workshop might be too much for some residents due to their medical needs. JoAnne will make contact and inquire if we might be able to work through the existing Bible study class held on Thursdays. We may be able to offer storylearning through that existing program.

We’ve also been invited to return and JoAnne will explore options in December. Janet suggested that in addition to telling the birth narrative, or the Christmas/Easter tandem telling, we include some Christmas stories and poems. (Janet and Joyce Orr once did a Christmas program for retired UCC pastors and their wives and were specifically asked NOT to tell the birth narrative!)

What Are Guild Members Doing?

Darrell is preaching at Elizabethtown UMC on Sunday, June 23. He is developing his sermon around the themes Storms/Fear/Faith based on the text from Mark 4:35 – 41.

JoAnne will be telling the Emmaus story, Luke 24:13 – 35 at Red Lion UMC on June 23, and Janet will be telling 2 Kings 2:1 – 18 on June 30, which is Rev. Sandy Vogele’s final day as pastor. Sandy, JoAnne, and Janet have worked together on various Certified Lay Ministry projects and JoAnne has provided storytelling for many of Sandy’s reflections.

Amelia is continuing her ministry to the incarcerated women and is working with the text from Acts 16. She has broken the story into four sections and is spending 2 weeks on each. She is also learning the story of the beheading of John the Baptist and is working on The Wedding at Cana for an upcoming workshop she’s leading in Chillicothe.

Tom recently had a five-hour conversation with Tom Griffin, the director of By Heart. He  lives in Germany but is American and came to visit Tom in Dayton from Indiana where he had a meeting. With no knowledge of NBSI, By Heart has begun storytelling groups throughout Germany known as the “Recitation Ministry.” Their website is www.byheart.org

Guild-led Workshops

Many years ago the Guild discussed how to respond when asked to present workshops. The last major event we staged was hosted by Forest Chapel UMC and the theme was “Crossing Boundaries.” Since that time we have not actively participated as a Guild in workshop leadership. It is acknowledged that Tom will charge his customary fee(s) when presenting as he is The Big Kahuna of storytelling. (Sorry, Tom, couldn’t resist.)

After discussion, it was agreed that individual Guild members could determine their own fees/expenses if asked to present workshops going forward. For instance, Janet has presented in Michigan for travel expense only and is willing to accept expenses in lieu of payment. We can discuss what to do if the Guild as a whole is asked to present a workshop sometime in the future.

Story Theatre

As only Tom and Amelia will be attending the Festival Gathering this year, we decided to stage our own Story Theatre. Everyone is asked to learn The Wedding at Cana for the next meeting. Watching different storytellers present the same story is instructive, fun, and a wonderful opportunity to share with other tellers both tips and techniques.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Next Meeting – July 23 at Great Miami River Valley District

In Person at 7:00 p.m., via Zoom at 7:15 p.m.