August 2024

CinDay Guild Meeting – July 23, 2024

Locations:  Great Miami River District Offices and via Zoom

Attendees:  Tom and Amelia Boomershine, JoAnne Rouse Clark, Darrell Miller, Janet Steele (notes)

In Person Meeting began at 7:00 p.m.             Zoom Meeting began at 7:15 p.m.

Story Theatre

It was agreed at our last meeting that everyone would learn and tell “The Wedding at Cana” (John 2:1 – 12) so we could compare telling styles. Darrell told the story from the perspective of a servant observing the events. Darrell’s text was The Inclusive Bible. JoAnne, Amelia, and Tom told versions from the New Revised Standard Version, while Janet chose the New International Version and the New International Reader’s Version.

Afterwards we discussed how different each telling was. And Tom reflected that it’s important to stick close to the original narrative because of the manner in which these stories came to be passed down from generation to generation.

Amelia shared with the group the telling of the story as imagined on “The Chosen” and it was interesting to see the dynamics that were present in a dramatic telling.

For our next Story Theatre we will continue the story, learning John’s story of the cleansing of the Temple – John 2:13 – 25.

Festival Gathering

Tom and Amelia will represent the CinDay Guild at this year’s Festival Gathering. We hope to be able to share video highlights at the next meeting, if that is an option.

SEM Terrace

JoAnne reminded us that our next CinDay Guild outing to SEM Terrace will be on Wednesday, December 10, at 3:00 p.m. We will begin to choose stories after our August gathering. In the meantime, Janet and JoAnne are going to lead mini-workshops beginning in September during the time allotted for Bible study at SEM Terrace. We’ll report back after the first outing to see if there’s enough interest among the residents to continue leading story learning workshops there.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 3, at 7:00 p.m. (in person) and 7:15 p.m. (Zoom)