August 2020

Wondering what happened to the July 2020 CinDay meeting summary Post? CinDay didn’t meet in July because our meeting was scheduled just days before the 2020 Virtual Festival Gathering, and in the midst of pre-VFG presentations and events.

But we made up for that with an excellent CinDay meeting in August, again via Zoom – like almost everything else these days. The meeting highlights included tellings of two stories – the Good Samaritan, and Jesus & the Canaanite Woman; and a discussion of the pros/cons of video media vs live storytelling. And, of course, we talked about our favorite parts of the 2020 Virtual Festival Gathering. (Did we miss being together? Absolutely. Would we do it again? Sure. Was it more accessible for people in other parts of the World? Definitely! Were the workshops worth it? Yes!) And we also brainstormed about ways CinDay can Tell the Story in our plague-limited, high tech/virtual current world. (Still cooking those ideas.)

And…did you know that CinDay is now on Facebook? We have a private group for members only, as well as a public Page where we can post stories and events for the public. So look us up there!