Good time, good stories, good conversation and 6 good people at our September CinDay meeting last night.
Still holding our meetings online, because of the pandemic, but that didn’t stop us from telling stories (both from the Bible, and stories about our pets), sharing technical/video tips and generally catching up with each other. Three of us had recently participated in an online story learning workshop presented by a member of the Academy of Biblical Storytelling (ABS). Leading a workshop is one of the ABS graduation requirements and this workshop would have been offered at the July Festival Gathering, if it hadn’t been pared down by the pandemic. (And we’re all learning a LOT more about ZOOM conferencing features as we go.)
Remember we have a presence on Facebook now, both as a private Group for sharing ideas and experiences, and storytelling discussions between meetings, and as a public Page for posting discussions and videos of our storytellings.
So let us know what you’ve been telling lately.