June 2020

Five of us met via Zoom for this month’s meeting. And we’re all still getting the hang of using the internet for everything, instead of meeting in person.

That “everything” includes storytelling, too, so we’re trying to increase our Facebook presence, with both a CinDay Storytellers Facebook Group (specifically for Guild members) and a public Facebook Page, for presenting and promoting storytelling to the general public.

This Facebook Page will be our performance platform for the short term, while the pandemic restrictions continue. So if you’ve got any videos of storytelling (specifically bible stories, or something closely related) that you want to share, let me know and we’ll get them posted to our Page. We’re also hoping to post videos of past CinDay telling performances.

Another impact of the Covid-19 shutdown is changes to the Network of Biblical Storytellers, Intl. 2020 Festival Gathering. That is moving online, too. Epic Telling, Guest speaker, worship, Workshops, even Lighting The Fire – all are being done online. You can find more information and times/dates of online events (and even register to participate) at the Network’s website.

So, keep telling, keep collecting stories, keep in touch. And we’ll see you soon, either in person or virtually.

Graphic inspired by the parable of Weeds Among the Wheat (Matthew 13:24-30), lectionary Gospel for July 19, 2020