February 2025

The CinDay Guild of the Network of Biblical Storytellers met on January 28, 2025 via Zoom with six in attendance. We gathered to catch up on what’s been happening since we last met in November 2024 and to begin program planning for 2025.

Call for Tellers

Our Coordinator, Janet, shared the Call for Tellers that will be sent out as the February NBSI email newsletter. The stories for Year C, Lent and Easter, are being solicited for the NBSI Video Library. The NBSI website has been completely redesigned. Janet is on the video library team, which is committed to reviewing all submissions and then posting them to the NBSI video library. The submission form along with NBSI telling guidelines are on the NBSI website.

The February CinDay meeting will be a recording session in response to this Call for Tellers. Members of the CinDay Guild will choose one or more stories to learn over the next month and be prepared to tell them for video recording at the February meeting. Between all our cell phones we should be able to produce several videos to submit. Each person will select the story or stories to learn by heart and email their selection to the other Guild members. If there are duplicates it’s okay – the video library team has several postings of the same story told by different tellers.

SEM Terrace Program

We gave a recap of the Christmas program at SEM Terrace in which three of us participated. Attendance was lower than in the past, but those persons gathered appreciated the stories told. We opened with a telling of the Howard Thurman poem, “I Will Light Candles This Christmas” and closed with “The Work of Christmas.” Each person shared a story based on the theme “Gifts Given and Received.”

CinDay Guild has been invited back. The probably date is Wednesday, June 18th. We will tell “Creation Stories” and have dulcimer music as a special feature.

Next meeting – Tuesday, Feb. 25 at Great Miami River District Offices at 7:00 p.m. in person; 7:15 for Zoom.