There were 7 at our meeting last week, the last we have scheduled for 2015.
After our usual delicious and plentiful pot luck dinner, we caught up on who’s been telling what, and continued our conversation on “The Twelve Stories Every Biblical Storyteller Should Know.” (we still haven’t actually narrowed the list down to 12, but we’ll be soliciting your suggestions during our upcoming Christmas break.)
Highlight of the evening was a double hit. We got to see an early run of a tandem storytelling Sylvia and Missy will be doing at their church after Christmas.
And then Amelia demonstrated/taught us some techniques for supportive, cooperative coaching to other storytellers, based on Doug Lipman’s 1995 book The Storytelling Coach.
Since it is the last meeting before we take our Christmas break, seemed like a good time to do some program evaluation, and make some plans for 2016.
So we decided…
… to reduce expenses by moving our CinDay website to a different host. The URL remains the same, so you can still find us at
…to modify our meeting schedule.
We’ll be meeting 9 times in 2016, instead of 10. February through October (hoping to avoid some bad winter weather). Still on the 4th Thursday of the month, and still alternating between Cincinnati and Dayton locations, but more of those meetings will be in Cincinnati. Just watch for our monthly meeting reminders for the locations. (Gye has offered us the use of her office for our Dayton meetings.)
… to do more “storyteller skill development” at our meetings – more opportunities to tell and get feedback; to coach other tellers; more “mini seminars” on Biblical themes. More about these ideas as we plan our 2016 meetings.
… and to present more group programs in 2016.
We’re going to be developing some new programs and resurrecting some old favorites. And then looking for opportunities to tell, tell, tell. For a fee, free will offering or split the pot. And some gratis, too.
So, want to join us in 2016?
I’m going to be doing a little administrative housekeeping during our Christmas break, including cleaning up the CinDay emailing list. You’ll have a chance to confirm that you still want to get meeting reminders and performance announcements.
Til then, Happy Thanksgiving.
Joyce Orr
NBS TOGether, The Online Guild
and CinDay Storytellers
Storytelling Guilds associated with
the Network of Biblical Storytellers